Nihil Ultra

Membership Details

The Association shall have the following five types of members and following type of Associates:-

i) All individuals who have been conferred a degree - of 2years or 3years or 4/5 years by the St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata and whose life membership fees have been received by the St. Xavier’s University Kolkata Alumni Association, upon graduation will be automatically deemed to be a member of The Association. Alumni members are expected to register with The Association for future communication and periodically update their contact information to The Association database. The Association will have only Life Membership in this category, and these members can be called as Life Members.

ii) The Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Pro Vice Chancellors of St. Xavier’s University shall be ex-officio Patron MemberEx-officio Members of The Association. No fees will be charged from them. They will have full voting rights in general Body meetings.

iii) All members of “St. Xavier’s College Calcutta Alumni Association” will be eligible to apply for Special Members of “St. Xavier’s University Kolkata Alumni Association”. Their applications will be put before subsequent Governing Body for approval. The Governing Body reserves its right not to approve and may reject any such application without assigning any reason and their decision will not be and cannot be challenged anywhere. The above special members will have to pay by a cheque/draft/any electronic mode the one time fee of Rs. 10000 plus taxes and these special members will have no voting right whatsoever in any type of meeting of members. However, they may be eligible to be appointed in Governing Body only in the category of “Co opted Member”.

iv) The Governing Body of the Association may invite any person to become an Honorary Member of the Association for a period of one year at a time, if the CouncilBody feels it fit to extend such invitation in the interests of the Association, such Honorary membership being renewable on a year to year basis. However Chancellor, Vice chancellor and Pro Vice Chancellors of The University who have been ex-officio Patrons members of The Association will automatically become honorary member till the lifetime after they cease to hold the position of Chancellor, Vice chancellor and Pro Vice Chancellors as the case maybe.

v) The spouses of Life Members will become automatically Spouse Associate of the Association with all the rights and privileges as mentioned elsewhere in these Rules and Regulations.

Life Membership fee:

Any student entering the last semester of any syllabus / degree course as prescribed earlier conducted by The University will automatically become the Life member of The Association. Such student will be required to pay the Life membership fee of Rs. 5015/- inclusive of GST or such amount as may be decided by Governing Body from time to time to the Association along with his other fee payments for the Last semester. However the fees for those life members who become such members in the first year of registration of this association shall be Rs 5000 inclusive of all taxes. The funds Received as Life time membership fee shall be towards the corpus of The Association. On automatically becoming the Life member such individual shall register with The Association through a prescribed form containing inter alia the name address and contact number of such individual with his latest particulars for future communication No membership fee is required to be paid by Patrons Ex-officio members, Honorary Members and Spouse Associates.

Method of becoming Members or Associates & cessation thereof :

All persons becoming members or associates must believe in the objects of the Association. Any student entering the last semester of any syllabus as per eligibility prescribed earlier conducted by The University will automatically become the Life member of The Association. Such student will be required to pay the Life membership fee of The Association along with his other fee payments for the Last semester. The funds Received as Life membership fee shall be towards the corpus of The Association. On automatically becoming the Life member such individual shall register with The Association through a prescribed form containing inter alia the name address and contact number of such individual with his latest particulars for future communication. The name and the other particulars of each Member or Associate must be entered into the General Register of Members and Associates within fifteen days of the concerned person’s becoming a member or an Associate and he shall also be issued with an identity card at the earliest possible time.

Notwithstanding whatever has been stated above, a person may be refused from becoming a member or an Associate or alternatively his membership may be terminated in the following eventualities, but notice of such refusal or termination must be conveyed to the person concerned by any member of the Governing Body in writing within fifteen days of such refusal or termination :--

i) Any person who is guilty of moral turpitude or likely to be prosecuted for such an offence.

ii) Any person who is an undischarged insolvent.

iii) Any person who has been convicted of any offence in connection with the formation , promotion , arrangement or conduct of affairs of a

societyassociation or a body corporate or any person who has been expelled by a societyassociation or body corporate for such an offence.

iv) Any person who seeks to become or has become a member or an Associate of the Association under false pretence or on the basis of false representation.

v) Any person whose behavior or conduct may deemed to be contrary to the interests of the Association may be refused admission or expelled from the Association , if the Governing Body so decides by 2/3 rd of the CouncilBody members present and voting in the particular CouncilBody meeting and provided such decision is ratified by a majority of the members in the next following General Body Meeting .

vi) A Member or Associate shall forfeit his membership or Associateship if his annual subscription fees are not paid within 30th May of the concerned year and continues to neglect payment of such fees within a further period of thirty days of posting of the last of the two Reminder letters to that effect which should be sent to him under certificate of posting.

vii) Finally, a Member or an Associate of the Association may cease to be so from the date he informs the Association of his intention to withdraw from the Association with or without attributing any reason thereof.

Provided however that any person whose Membership or Associateship has been refused or terminated on any of the eventualities outlined in the immediately preceding sub-clauses(i) to(v) shall be permanently debarred from becoming a Member or Associate in future while any person whose Membership or Associateship has been terminated or voluntarily given up as outlined in the immediately preceding sub-clauses (vi) and (vii) shall be eligible for re-ad mission on the payment of Late Fee amounting to one-fourth of the membership subscription after the lapse of one year from the date of such voluntary resignation respectively.

Download Life Membership Form here :

Download Special Membership Form here :

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